How to treat Lice

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Much better to go for traditional treatments:

Head lice are a small sized parasite which lives in our hairs. They are usually transmitted from one person to another if we use their personal items such as clothing, towels, pillows, hair brushes, hats or from direct hair to hair contact.

Head lice are common among school going children. Most of the schools are now developing no lice and nit’s policy where every child will be checked for lice infestation and if they have lice then they will be treated but it will take a lot of time for this policy to implement all over. In the mean while it is the responsibility of the mothers or the guardians to find a way to how to treat lice.

It becomes a difficult task for them to find the best lice treatment. They search over internet, look at different magazines and books and seek advice from other people and majority of the mothers comes with the conclusion that so far the old traditional treatments have proved to be the best.

Some of these old treatments are centuries old and are still effective than any other artificial treatment. Artificial treatments no doubt are fastest way to treat lice but no chemical product available in the market guarantees 100% removal of lice and nits. They might even damage your hairs and therefore it is better that you go for the age-old traditional treatments which have no side-effects.

The traditional method includes wet combing method. In this process you just need to wet your hairs and divide into partitions. Take first segment and take a nit comb and comb your hair thoroughly from scalp to the very end of the hairs. Remove all the lice and nits from the nit comb and remove them. Keep combing your hairs until the comb comes clean. Make sure to clean the comb after each sweep. Comb all the remaining sections. Be sure to comb well at the shafts and behind the ear where lice are usually hidden. This procedure might take time so just be patient because the results will be worth all the hard work.

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